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A Friend for Sure

green friends text

I just watched the Matthew Perry interview with Diane Sawyer, I have definitely always been a “Friends” fan and it really brought so many fashion, coffee, and relationship trends to our times and still does. This was really a great show and is still watched by so many old and young still today! It was iconic, fun, and certainly very entertaining.

The interview with Matthew Perry really hit home tonight. When he described his concerns for his parents, his mother regarding his addictions; I have been there and oh know those feelings all too well. My son has suffered with addiction from pain pills after a car accident that changed his life. Absolutely changed his life, we would have never known what that accident would lead too. My son too, lead a double life trying to hide his addiction. Trying to work, focus, and continue his normal routine. Normal routine for him was really never the same. During his recovery we would never leave him alone, keeping the watch, keeping the faith, praying he would see that normal routine. Addiction is a disease I have learned; continual support with love for someone fighting those struggles, the setbacks, the treatments, and the wins is essential. I never waive with the support and love to my son; I know it is a daily mission for him to stay on track. Sharing his growth and wins has been one of the greatest joys to have with him; I have thought so many times before he would not see another birthday. He now is in another fight; he has had oral cancer with two surgeries. More on this tragedy later. I just wanted to say how proud that my son has managed his addiction through all the battles he has had and continues to fight, I am so grateful for his life❤️.

Thank you, Matthew Perry, for owning your addictions and sharing with the world you can beat your demons, you can recover, you can move on, and you can have life! There is always support, always hope.

#thankyoumatthewperry #thankyouabc

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