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Little Treasures of Life..

Today was Grandparents Day at my grandson’s school, it sure was fun and full of memories for all of us. My grandson was so proud to give us a tour, where he eats, has gym, plays, and of course his cute room. We had snacks and made a craft; he was just so happy to have all of his grandparents with him. Lucky to have us all there for sure. The one sparkling moment was when my husband came into his room and Beau did not think he was coming. The look on Beau’s sweet face was pure delight, he was so happy. Brought tears to my eyers for sure. He told me, ‘Gigi I didn’t think Pa-Pa was coming, I am so glad that he is here’. Then just hugged him so tight! You just never know when you will have that everlasting moment with your grandkids that just means the most to them. That eye-catching moment in time that stops you and you see the true treasures in your life. The seconds you see your grandkids truly love that relationship they have with you and how much it means to them. Grandkids are a gift in life, there is nothing like the love they give. I cherish my times with Beau and the happiness he brings to our hearts. Oh, and by the way-those are leaf glasses on our pumpkin craft, I am sure you can tell. ❤

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