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The Holiday Season is Upon Us

red and brown fruits wreath

It seems we quickly moved from the Thanksgiving Holiday right into the December Holiday Season. Holiday shopping is in full force with “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” behind us there is still plenty of shopping time for our loved ones.

Christmas has always been a special holiday in my family, growing up my mom always went all out for Christmas. She was always the most festive and happy during the Christmas season. Decorating, crafting, shopping were her specialties. She made the holiday season special, so special. She loved Christmas and as I grew older and had my own family, she made the season for my children just as special. No matter what else was happening, this was our happy, joyous family time. She spared nothing to make it a dream like season.

I have tried to mirror her love of this season with my own family. It is time to celebrate the reason for the season, being thankful for all that we have and the hope of a prosperous future. Slowing down to enjoy and embrace the season can be difficult; actually, at times I think it can be exhausting. We must remind ourselves to be thankful, slow the pace, take the time to enjoy the holidays. Gifting should always come from the heart with meaning, not just financial means. I treasure the thought that goes into gift giving, the love that comes from a gift is priceless❣️. Share the joy my friends!

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