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Weekend Emotions

christmas toys placed on white surface

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend; it is such a busy time of the year as they say! My weekend was busy as well, Saturday was spent with my daughter and my grandson. He has his first basketball game (yes at age 4), it was great! I put a picture down below; so fun to see him have fun and learn the game. Like I said, Indiana is a basketball state, and you can never start them learning the game, lol!

We then ordered pizza and made cookies and candy, such fun to do and do all in one day! Do you spend a day or night baking for the holidays? I also made a few pictures of what we did as well. We have to have sweets at the holidays and has to be homemade. Yummy! 🍪

Saturday was the twenty-second anniversary of my mother’s death from pancreatic cancer. This is always such a sad day for all of us, so it was nice to spend it together. My mom died at age 60, yes 60 from pancreatic cancer. Her cancer was quick spreading, horrific, and she found out she had it and passed away all in 6 weeks. This was the worse time in my life, I was very close to my mom, she was so involved and with my kids and was always there for them. We were all just in shock and in despair.

If you have ever had anyone who has had pancreatic cancer, you will understand. Twenty-two years ago, it was really deadly for so many. My mom had five-six hospital admissions in such a short time, every time she was released, she would have to go right back. Watching someone slowly lose their fight with cancer that is destroying their body so quickly is just devasting. It tore my family apart; my brothers and I were always at odds on what we should do. When actually there was nothing, we could do to save her. We did provide her with peace, love, and comfort. Emotions just running everywhere for all of us, mom was just everything to my two brothers and me. We always had our mom; we could not be losing her. Well, we did, and it still is heartbreaking to this day. Heaven gained a beautiful soul on December 10th, 2000, at 5:00pm; she would always say 5:00pm was quitting time to us for work. She was tired and she knew it was her time. We always know and feel her presence today. She is our angel😇.

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